Argentine Flag

Argentine Flag
Flag of Argentina

Bahia Blanca Mission

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 16, 2010
Colinas, Mar del Plata

Well he is not here yet, so I am still in colinas. but i am enjoying it and by the way my dis leader only has 3 more months then me and have had lazy comps too so when i showed up i trucked him more or less 180 degrees the other direction. so i am helping him relearn the lessons and all of that he is always thanking me for my knowledge but he is a great worker and he picked it right back up so no problems except he has a little problem with the health but we keep going anyway. but we have work hard this week he asked me how i do it and not get tired hahahahaha so sounds like you are having a blast a little from this week. so we have been called little angels this week and worked way hard found lots of people and have had some amazing experiences. i am a member of the youngest district 3 6 monthers 1 9 monther and when the two kids show up. Let me tell you how much I hate the smell of alcohol and when people are drunk!! When have had 3 stop us in two days. one i felt we just need ed to split. he wa son alcohol and something else is my guess. But yeah. we found on guy and his wife how are Christian and he is a steady drinker we have had two lessons with them one to tell him not to drink and about the word of wisdom and we said we would pass by earlier and asked him not to drink he said ok so the next day after the ciesta we were contacting and talking with a chatter box when half way through I felt we needed to go to their , ruben and mary´s, house but to take a certain path and we found ruben walking to what i think to get drunk he tried to just have us go to his house cause he needed to buy something for his vecino i said we would go with him and ended up have a spiritual lesson but the wife at the end said they would read the bom and pray but would stay in their church but if it is true will be baptizedanother time we toke a remis, taxi but cheaper, to get a copy of the key to the church we walked a lot only to find that only one store copied these keys called a 2nd remis to go there and got this guy we talked to a little then got there copied the key and call a remis to go home. it didn’t show for an hour and a half so we called another one and got the same guy talked to him and he wanted missionaries to visit but wasn’t in our areas. hahahapres reinstated a rule that a pres in the passed changed about visiting mujers sola he is an amazing man and is changing the mission for the better he is a man of god no he didn’t talk to me before but will when I go to bahia when my kid gets hereI ran into fotos of Derek in colinas hahahaha of him in a pie eating contest. I am suppose to ask if he remembers a lucas gonzales y hma gonzales well I love you dad and can’t wait to get some of these ideas the mission has been way slow but we sent 29 of the old missionaries finished the mission so I am working harder and harder by the day. During ciestas I am having problems staying awake so I play musicthanks for all you confidence and all I love you till next week chau

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